Do you ever set a color of the year for yourself? I do. Sometime last year, I decided that if I was going to purchase something, it would be pink. I even changed the theme of my computer to pink! As I’m typing you this blog post I’m surrounded by a pink theme on my computer, a pink planner, and a pink watch strap. When I was choosing the picture for this post, I wanted to have something pink to greet you, and my mind instantly went to Flamingos. A scientist may claim that the Flamingos in that picture are communicating about potential predator threats, or about their food. But as stitchers we all know they’re talking about their latest cross stitch purchases. They just have that look about them!
Speaking of cross stitch, let’s see where I got to on Nikolai since my last post.
Behold! A finished column! It makes me so very happy to complete that column before putting him away again until the Winter. Since picking him up again in January, I think that I’ve come a good, long way towards the end of this page. I do wish that I had gotten more columns stitched, but that’s OK. All I can do is set more time aside for stitching next time!
It’s getting far too green and warm here at the Castle to be stitching a snowy scene though.
With Nikolai put away until Winter, *drumroll drumroll drumroll* I’m going to start stitching on Medieval Menagerie! For a quick reminder of where I got to the last time I put this project away, please refer to this blog post here:
My first step will definitely be stitching that missing motif. After that, the next band is a pair of phoenixes, which is incredibly exciting. To see the chart (or purchase it for yourself) you can go the designer’s site at this link here.
Do you need some summer stitching? Or maybe you’re just dreaming of the sea. In any case, I have the perfect cross stitch freebie for you.
Happy stitching!