Happy Monday!
Ever since I was a very little girl, I’ve had a fascination with Ancient Egypt. I think I had an interest in it because my elder sister adored hieroglyphics (we used to write each other letters in hieroglyphics. Yes, we are nerds) but I think The Mummy with Brendan Fraser really fanned the flames of my love of Egypt. My Mother tells me that I watched that movie so much, I wore out the VHS tape! In my opinion, it’s the only movie, none of the sequels exist (and the world is a better place that way).
Longtime readers will know that I love a good murder mystery; and what better mix could there be but Egypt and murder, with a famous Belgian detective? What I’m reading right now:
Or rather, I should say what I’m listening to since this is an audiobook. As an added bonus, it’s narrated by David Suchet! I was so hoping that when Poirot spoke in the book, he would put on his famous Poirot voice; and he did!
Listening to audiobooks and stitching is so enjoyable. When I stitch, I prefer to listen to audiobooks or podcasts instead of watching TV, because I don’t have to keep glancing up at a screen and interrupting my cross stitch time. How about you? Do you listen to podcasts or audiobooks when you stitch?
WIP Updates
Since my last post, I’ve turned a good deal of my attention and stitching time towards Medieval Menagerie. Here’s my progress:
As you can see, I finished that rose motif on the right, and the front and back half of the first stag has appeared. I could name the stag Jane Doe, but since it’s a stag that doesn’t really work (and it’s such a corny joke too!) so I’m going back to the drawing board for a name. The rose motif was so fun. I can understand why people get so much enjoyment out of Quaker patterns now. Each motif is like a mini finish!
As a lot of my attention has been focused on the stag, I don’t have too much progress to report on Paris Market:
The most noticeable progress is that group of green stitches off to the right. Not a lot, but it’s something!
Can you believe that it’s almost Fall? Where has this year gone? Because Summer is almost finished, it’s time to start planning my next cross stitch project. Medieval Menagerie sort of transcends the seasons, so that one will probably stay in my rotation as my focus for a finish. That stag won’t stitch itself! Paris Market, on the other hand, screams Spring and Summer, so at the end of the month, she’ll be going back into her project bag until next Spring. That will make way for Trick-or-Treat Moon! To see what that beautiful Halloween chart looks like, I refer you to this post of mine from last year:
Shop Update
The Instagram account has been growing by leaps and bounds the last few weeks!
If you want to see more frequent WIP update pictures, you can follow me over there. Currently, I have sixty one followers. When I reach one hundred (!) followers, I will be hosting a giveaway! The giveaway will be held here on Substack, so if you don’t have an Instagram account, you can still participate :)
The item I will be giving away is this chart, Mini Autumn Triptych:
If you want to buy this chart right now, you can click this link here.
Some other exciting news is that I was struck with a wave of creativity. This is where the wave has led me so far:
I love stitching letters, and they seem to be quite popular with other stitchers too. The English alphabet has twenty six letters, and since arranging them into an array is not as symmetrical as I’d like it to look, I’ve decided to make this a 5x6 chart; five letters across, six letters down. That gives me a total of thirty blocks, and four spare blocks that I can turn into motifs. So far so good, stay tuned to see how this design turns out!
Odds & Ends
Happy International cat day! | YouTube celebrates International Cat Day with a fur-tastic playlist of iconic felines | From Mashable
I really like the store bought version, but these look super tasty. | Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts | From Handle the Heat