Thanksgiving Project Bag and WIP Update
Now that Spooky Season is over (sigh!), we're marching on to Thanksgiving here at the Castle. The Castle larder already has a Turkey in the deep, dark freezer and plenty of cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving has to be one of the coziest holidays on the calendar. Plenty of warm blankets and curling up in your favorite comfy chair while giving in to your food coma.
I've gotten so into a Thanksgiving-ish mood that even my project bag is seasonally appropriate.
Perhaps long-time readers will remember my last Thanksgiving project, Turkey Bay.
It's tough to imagine a more perfect Thanksgiving project! That gravy boat is one of my favorite things I've ever stitched, and those turkeys are adorable. Fully finishing it is definitely on my to-do list for next year.
In the meantime, until the day after Thanksgiving, I'll be working on Medieval Menagerie. Here's what Menagerie looked like the last time I picked it up. And here's what it looks like now:
While I love Trick or Treat Moon (more on that later) it's wonderful to be making such speedy progress again. Moon has a lot of color changes, there are three-quarter stitches to keep your eyes open for, and future backstitch to worry about. Moon is still a beautiful chart, don't get me wrong, but it's nice to be making big strides in a chart again. And isn't that variegated garnet floss beautiful? I'm confident that I can finish this peacock band before Thanksgiving.
Trick or Treat Moon
Another October was spent stitching on this wonderful Moon. This time around I finished the cross stitch on the cat and got a decent amount of the candy stitched too. Here's my progress:
I would love to see this displayed for Halloween. Considering how long it's taken me, I think I'm on course to finish it when I'm in my seventies. Since that's the case, maybe I should start working on this at the beginning of September next year, and make a brave push for a finish! What's truly scary about this chart is all of the backstitch...
Cyber Monday and Free Chart Alert
Like last year, I'll be running a Cyber Monday sale! Running from now until Dec 3, 2024, 11:00 PM, all of the items in my Etsy shop will be discounted by 25%. Is there a better way to get your Christmas shopping done than in your PJs and scrolling Etsy? I think not!
Also, I plan on making a freebie cross stitch chart for December. Think of it as my gift to all of you lovely readers. I'm going to be very mysterious about what the chart will look like, but I will give you two hints - it's Christmas ornament-sized and has a food theme. Stay tuned here, and it will land in your email inbox when I've finished designing it!
Funny Meme Corner
Last but not least, here's a meme to make you chuckle:
Happy stitching!